feedback form

We would love to hear your thoughts, concerns or problems with anything so we can improve!

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1) Do any of Your Vessel got delay in Sailing time ? *
1) Do any of Your Vessel got delay in Sailing time ? * (copy)
2) Do any of the vessel result in damage because of our lashers or lashing Job *
3) Do Our Employees are effiecient in carrying out lashing activity ? *
4) Does lashing effects your Production time ? *
5) Are our Supervisor/foremen & Lashers wearing Proper PPE ? *
6) Do you receive complaints by agents , on Any vessel ? *
7) Do you think lashers/Supervisors are practicing unsafe work practices ? *
8) How well are you Satisfied with our Service ? *
9) Kindly Rate on scale , CLMS efficiency *

Contact Information

AMT & Zenith Enterprises recruitment Form